2020 has been a year that will make it in to future history books, that goes without saying. Sam, the manager of The Portland Guesthouse is making up for lost time and lacing up his running shoes for some big challenges in 2021.
The Cause
Throughout the pandemic a number of people have continued to complete their essential work. Including those providing care for some of the most vulnerable adults in Gloucestershire through St Vincent’s & St George’s Association. In awe of the ‘get up and go’ attitude the charity and the staff gave throughout the pandemic and even beforehand, Sam will be raising vital funds for this work to continue.
As the manager of The Portland Guesthouse, itself a project of the charity Sam has seen first hand the positive impact the services have on its service users. Here’s what Sam had to say about his upcoming year of challenges:
“Next year I’m going to be taking on some of the biggest challenges I’ve ever done. I’m not a running novice, but in no sense would I suggest I’m cut out for endure events. So, these challenges are going to hurt. I was lucky enough to be offered a place for next years London Marathon by the charity CEO. So, having run a marathon previously my thoughts immediately went to the negatives. 15 mile midweek training runs, the winter weather making it a challenge to even leave the house to run and the Sunday morning lie ins a distant memory. For all the negatives, the reward of helping those who really need it, the finish line feeling and the mental and physical benefits of the grueling training programme. These were the main drive behind my big YES, in accepting the place.”
“But I have already ran a London Marathon. It was in no way easy but would people financially support a challenge I’ve already managed to complete? This is where the other events come in, Brighton Marathon Weekend 26.2 miles; Trail Pursuit Half marathon in the rough and rugged terrain 13.1 miles; Race to the Tower 53 miles; Great North Run 13.1 miles; 1mile every hour on the hour in 24 hours; and more TBC. All culminating with the London Marathon 26.2 miles in October. Bring on 2021, time to put my trainers on?”

How to help?
Sam will be holding a number of fundraising events alongside these challenges throughout 2021 and the remainder of 2020. We’ll be keeping you updated with the progress here and on our social media platforms. You can help by donating to the cause here.